Loving the Fatherless

May 5, 2022

Cliff’s Story

I have really enjoyed seeing the Holy Spirit move during fireside discussions while on camping trips and other outings were we spend time with the boys and discuss what is really important, Jesus.  I have had the opportunity and privilege to pray with young men and share the gospel with them and help them understand what it means to trust and follow Christ.  I have had the privilege to specifically pray to receive Christ as Lord with 3 different high school men in the past two years while on Jabali camping trips.


As long has STEP has been striving to equip youth, there is still a need to love the fatherless.  My desire is to see these young people know who their heavenly father is and learn to trust and depend on Him.


“But you, God, see the trouble of the afflicted; you consider their grief and take it in hand. The victims commit themselves to you; you are the helper of the fatherless.” – Psalm 10:14

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Will YOU join the story of a child’s life? Are you willing to give a bit of your time and love to a child who desperately needs it? If God is calling you to say yes, contact us!


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